Our Premium Membership account will tell you everything you need to know about the strength of your snooker!

You already know that the MySnookerStats scoring app replaces the scoreboard on the wall, but that’s only your first brave step into our revolutionary progress and tracking system.
Each time you upload match details from the scoring app, we build up a fuller profile of your game in the many panels on your own personal My Home page:
- Your rating gets more accurate.
- Your form guide shows you getting better month by month.
(OK, that’s not always true for me… must try harder!)

- You learn how your game varies from day to day – so what is a highlight performance and what is a performance to forget?
- Are your most recent performances (shown in red) suggesting that good things are coming, compared to your older performances (in the cooler colours of amber and green)?
- What are the biggest breaks you have been hitting? How good will it feel the first time you put a block in a 50+ or 100+ column?
- The full story of your frames: how many you’ve played, won and lost, your typical points scored and conceded, and your average frame times.
- How many frames on average does it take you to make a 20+, 30+, 50+, 70+ break etc? We call this My Break Power. (Remember when Neil Robertson was around 7 frames per ton for his “century of centuries” season?)

All this amazing stuff, plus total recall of all your matches, with full stats and frame-by-frame scores from any time in your snooker career:
- Do your potting, safety and positional success percentages hold up as you take on better players?
- Does your shot time suggest you’re rushing round the table?
You can dig as deeply as you like to find your strengths and weaknesses against individual players and overall.
Plus: all the same info on your friends. You’ll just need to invite them to sign up and join you!
Plus: Organize your friends into groups so you can see mini league tables and compare and contrast with each other. Maybe create a group just for your work or college friends? Maybe have another group for players in your snooker team or league?
OK, you should be getting the idea – it’s time to take the leap and try this out. At the crazy low price of £9.99 per year, Premium Membership should be a no-brainer. With a 30 day free trial, it certainly is! Start NOW.