We’ve introduced another new feature, which we hope will help all our Premium users to improve their snooker. You can now add notes and observations on each of your matches in your My Home page. Over time, this collection of notes will build up into a revealing Snooker Diary which you can regularly refer back to and learn from.
We believe that writing down what’s working and what’s not working helps to re-inforce your learning process, which will assist you in making quicker progress and bigger breakthroughs in your approach to playing snooker. You will more easily spot the problems you’ve been ignoring and identify the positive things you learn to do to turn a bad performance around. The more you improve, the more we think you will enjoy your game…
To get started with this new feature, go to your My Home page, scroll down to the My Matches panel, click on the comment button on the left and record your thoughts. All diary notes are private and are not shared with any of your groups.
If you are not yet a Premium member, you can upgrade easily through our Paypal site. Simply log in to your account as normal and follow the instructions in the top right panel.