Snooker Tournament


Finals Weekend 2017

SWSA Gloucester 2017-06-24 to 2017-06-25

The Players

Aidan Murphy

Aidan Owens

Andrew Norman

Ashley Carty

Billy Castle

Dan Womersley

David Lilley

Hamim Hussain

Isa Ishtiaq

James Silverwood

James Simpson

John Rees

Johnathan Bagley

Kayden Brierley

Lewis Gillen

Luke Pinches

Mark Lloyd

Olly Gibbs

Peter Devlin

Scott Raper

Sean McAllister

Order of Play

English Amateur Championship NORTH FINAL
Match 1David Lilley 14043w/o …13834 Ashley Carty
English Amateur Championship SOUTH FINAL
Match 2Andrew Norman 11609
Break: 58, 51, 50, 49
7 – 814690 Billy Castle
Break: 85, 70, 59, 47, 43
English Amateur Championship FINAL
Match 3David Lilley 140438 – 1014690 Billy Castle
Masters Championship FINAL
Match 4Johnathan Bagley 14435w/o …13750 Aidan Owens
U14 Championship NORTH FINAL
Match 5Isa Ishtiaq 15366
Break: 52, 39
4 – 115367 Aidan Murphy
U14 Championship FINAL
Match 6Olly Gibbs 153685 – 415366 Isa Ishtiaq
U16 Championship NORTH FINAL
Match 7Kayden Brierley 14278
Break: 60, 37, 33
2 – 514567 Hamim Hussain
Break: 89, 50, 47
U16 Championship FINAL
Match 8Luke Pinches 15369
Break: 40, 31
2 – 614567 Hamim Hussain
Break: 53, 52, 44, 32
U18 Championship FINAL
Match 9Mark Lloyd 144305 – 614790 Sean McAllister
U21 Championship FINAL
Match 10Lewis Gillen 146178 – 314430 Mark Lloyd
U40 Championship FINAL
Match 11Dan Womersley 13784
Break: 64, 56
6 – 411664 Peter Devlin
Break: 77, 62
Over 55 Championship FINAL
Match 12James Simpson 153702 – 615371 John Rees
Break: 40, 32
6 Reds Championship FINAL
Match 13James Silverwood 142402 – 614520 Scott Raper

Top Breaks

Hamim Hussain89 
David Lilley85
Billy Castle85 
Peter Devlin77 
Billy Castle72
Billy Castle70 
Lewis Gillen69
David Lilley67
Dan Womersley64 
Lewis Gillen64

More of Today’s High Breaks…

Hamim Hussain89 
David Lilley85
Billy Castle85 
Peter Devlin77 
Billy Castle72
Billy Castle70 
Lewis Gillen69
David Lilley67
Dan Womersley64 
Lewis Gillen64
Peter Devlin62 
Kayden Brierley60 
Billy Castle59 
Billy Castle59
Andrew Norman58 
Dan Womersley56 
Billy Castle54
Hamim Hussain53 
Isa Ishtiaq52 
Hamim Hussain52 
Andrew Norman51 
Andrew Norman50 
Hamim Hussain50 
Andrew Norman49 
Billy Castle47 
Hamim Hussain47 
Billy Castle46
David Lilley45
Hamim Hussain44 
Billy Castle43 
Billy Castle41
John Rees40 
Lewis Gillen40
Luke Pinches40 
David Lilley40
Billy Castle40
Isa Ishtiaq39 
Mark Lloyd38
Lewis Gillen38
Billy Castle37
Billy Castle37
Kayden Brierley37 
Billy Castle35
Kayden Brierley33 
Mark Lloyd33
David Lilley33
Billy Castle33
David Lilley32
John Rees32 
Hamim Hussain32 

Today’s Ratings

Billy Castle81.8%
David Lilley79.7%
Lewis Gillen75.4%
Mark Lloyd65.6%

Live Scores